Nanomedicines an emerging field utilized for development of targeted therapies like in cancer and found most to date. The several side effects and low selectivity of conventional techniques in treatment of cancer is counter by application of drug loaded nanocarriers like liposomes. But, they lack capacity to encapsulate lipophilic drugs, found as leaky, unstable in biological fluids and in aqueous solutions for being commerlized and due to this the lipid nanocapsules technology emerged. They have potential applications to encapsulate lipophilic drugs efficiently and able to administered via intravenous route. The structure of lipid nanocapsules is hybrids between the polymeric nanocapsules and liposomes having lipoprotein like structure with size around 100 nm. The lipid nanocapsules (LNCs) have been used to encapsulate the different anticancer drugs like paclitaxel, docetaxel, etoposide etc.